PCO log

On the Change page, the PCO Log tab contains a register of all your PCOs.

  • Executed PCOs have a green checkmark next to them and are no longer editable

  • Dropped PCOs have a yellow caution sign next to them and are locked

  • Note that there is no delete button. Once a PCO is created, it cannot be deleted

  • Many of the PCO details and statuses are editable from the Issue Log register

  • The PCO Log provides subtotals at the bottom of the register for total number of PCOs and total current values of the PCOs

By clicking the drop-down menu on the View box, you can change the viewsets of your table and can save a custom view. You can also export your table (will export the data exactly as displayed within the table), show details, and search for data within the table.

You can generate a change document from the PCO log. Select a PCO, go to the Actions menu, and then select Generate Change document. See "Change writer" for information about generating change documents.

Aging days

The number of days that a PCO has been open is shown in the PCO aging days open column. The Aging days value is calculated using today's date minus the start date. This calculations stops when the item is changed to a status of executed or dropped.